Sarah was WONDERFUL, as usual. Very inspiring.
833 posted on Sat Aug 28 2010 11:30:30 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time) by azishot (I can see November from my house!)
"Awesome" is such an overused word, so instead I must say:
834 posted on Sat Aug 28 2010 11:30:33 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time) by RetroSexual
MLK would have been proud
836 posted on Sat Aug 28 2010 11:30:39 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time) by dalebert (true hillbilly)
Listening live on Cspan now. Wish I could have attended.
God Bless Glenn Beck. This is what our country desperately needs.
842 posted on Sat Aug 28 2010 11:31:59 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time) by bluerose (Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm! Rush Hudson Limbaugh)
Is that for real?! OK, now I am leaning toward 500K+.
All of the other shots were impressive, but that is amazing.
852 posted on 08/28/2010 10:34:07 AM PDT by Never on my watch (The Obama Administration - an outrage a day)
“For a man of faith, this is way over the top.”
Uh, they’ve threatened to assassinate Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity and I’m sure Beck too...what’s wrong with taking precautions against the violence, btw? The Word of God stresses planning and preparation, as well as Faith in the God who is able to cast the body and the soul into hell (fear not those who can kill the body.)
We do not send out troops into harms way with just Faith - they are prepared. In a case like this - with hundreds of thousands there - and infiltrators - why not be prepared.
I just don’t see the issue and I don’t think it’s ‘over the top.’
855 posted on 08/28/2010 10:34:29 AM PDT by SeattleBruce (God, Family, Church, Country - 11/2010, 11/2012 - Tea Party like it's 1773 & pray 2 Chronicles 7:14!)
I hope everybody has their camera phones and video flips case the flagburners squeal about someone flinging the “N” Word.
922 posted on Sat Aug 28 2010 11:46:16 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time) by MuttTheHoople
You'd think liberals would be proud too--so many faces of color in the crowd and on the stage, celebrating God and America and Martin Luther King, Jr., but no, they are still spouting hate while complaining that Beck spouts hate...heh?? Here's a small example of the DUmp expressing love and honor for their fellow human beings who are participating in today's rally:
From a thread entitled "Ed Show :Beck's Teabagger Revival With Director Brave New Films" (feel the love yet?)--
Oh, the irony.
926 posted on Sat Aug 28 2010 11:46:52 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time) by pillut48 ("Now is the time that tries men's souls...")
This is a really great day for America. It was a call to action to once again trust God for our salvation and deliverance for our nation. I salute Glenn Beck for taking the time and money to do this. America needed this right now and it is up to us to continue what has been started today in seeking God and restoring honor to all of us and this great nation. Without God and our Lord Jesus Christ it can not be done.
So I gladly kneel before God and ask his forgiveness and for him to bless our nation once again and turn the tide of evil and darkness that would over take us and help us to once again be salt and light unto the world. In Jesus’ Holy Name Amen.
934 posted on Sat Aug 28 2010 11:48:52 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time) by Captain Beyond (The Hammer of the gods! (Just a cool line from a Led Zep song))
So, what will the media manafacture as racist comments from Beck and others who took part in this event?
You know they’ll have to come up with something since their marching orders are we are all a bunch of racists!
948 posted on Sat Aug 28 2010 11:51:31 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time) by Brytani (There Is No (D) in November! Go Allen!!!
Hoo boy. Time for a shower.