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So CSPAN now has a revival meeting on from Americansforprosperity.

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Skidmore Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-28-10 01:00 PM
Original message
So CSPAN now has a revival meeting on from Americansforprosperity.
Where are we???? Why is our message allowed to be drowned out by these zealots?
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librechik Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-28-10 01:13 PM
Response to Original message
1. This is intolerable! (But not unexpected) Our public media ,with some exceptions,
is a travesty. CSpan is especially bad--run by the Chamber of Commerce it seems.
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RandomThoughts Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-28-10 01:15 PM
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2. Each comment has its own weight.
Edited on Sat Aug-28-10 01:29 PM by RandomThoughts
For example, a person can speak about good things, and be correct, but that does not mean the person and everything they support is correct. Nor will everything they say be either good or bad.

Many will use something good to get followship, then get people to do for them, or against even what the people think is best from that followship.

Every comment must have its own credibility and not get someone to follow, then do for some other objective that is not about the comments that got the person to like the ideas.

If I say be nice, now go be mean to all those people. The be nice might get someone to follow, to get them to be mean. That is why each comment must be thought on, and people not followed. Also why I try not to say be mean to people. But the point is don't let someone get you to be lead to some point where you do what they say because they say it, instead if it has value then do something, because of the value of a message, not because someone says it.

That is part of control. Taking a true and good message, and using it for some other purpose. That is what I think is taking the garments, although that is my view, and most people do it sometimes.

So nobody is perfect, and people see things different ways. The important part is not to follow a person, but look at each thought and learn and grow from that thought. While always being able to think on other thoughts from a person so they do not lead you to do something other then what you think is best.

Or thats how I think on it.

The same exact thing is done by people in the reverse ways by false attachements, when someone finds something good said by a bad person, said good to get followers, and then says someone is just like that person.

Many times people put attachments to messages to people, not the actual value of a message.

On a Personal Side note, I am still owed financing for beer and travel, and whatever else, for the smear done against me. And it will be paid.
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