Copied from my facebook conversation....
ME (original post): the hell happened to the principles of tolerance and "liberty and justice for all". Wake up and stop this politicized hatred that only lead us down a path that history has proven to have horrific results.
RW FRIEND: Sorry bro...but they earned it with justification of radicals.
ME: So should we also condemn Christians and commit acts of random violence against Christians for the justification by some of acts such as the Oklahoma bombing, abortion clinic Dr. murders, or torturing GLBT teens (to name just a few)?
By your... logic, we should all be actively working to stamp out the Baptist faith. Why? Well because the Westboro Baptist Church uses religious text to justify and promote intolerance and hatred, kind of like Islamic RADICALS. The Westboro church is definitely not the main stream view of all Baptists, but by your logic, their existence means the Baptist faith should be actively attacked and removed.
I'm sorry, but that isn't the American ideal I was brought up to believe in. I was taught that "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" were sacred and untouchable - for every single person in the world. Jefferson wasn't just speaking about Americans. I was also taught the golden rule - do unto others as you would have them do unto you. When I tried to use that to justify my actions AGAINST others in retaliation, my parents explained to me that it meant just the opposite - you always treat people, regardless of their differences to your own beliefs or their actions toward you, with the utmost respect and deference if that is how you wish to be treated. One other lesson that is applicable here is the concept of justice. One major tenant of that concept in America is the idea that you are innocent until proven guilty. Applying this to the idea that all Muslims are part of some vast movement to wipe out America is a no brainer. You yourself called them radicals. By definition, a radical is a fringe movement not supported or condoned by the mainstream. By making the assumption that anyone who looks Muslim is guilty of attacking America flies in the face of one of our pillars of an advanced society. We cannot continue to let this irrational fear and hatred force us into tearing down the ideals that once made our country the envy of all.
Guess this is why I keep losing friends on facebook!