I live in DC, and I watched some of this travesty online today hoping to glimpse the inevitable moment when these people finally drive the last nail into their own coffin with some truth that they have been working so hard to hide.
I saw a few people in my part of the city that obviously came from the teabagger event. I cannot in any alternative universe imagine myself falling for any of this bullshit, yet I do not think that the thousands of people who came to DC today who actually believed they were accomplishing something are all completely mad. Misguided, but they can't all be crazy, can they?
OK, so whatever their motivations or whatever, after watching all this take place, I think that it it very very likely that this is the beginning of the end of this bullshit simply because absolutely nothing was accomplished. All these people faced national ridicule to come to DC, and then, the event was so watered down that they got nothing out of it.
1-not a political rally, so all these crazues with a political agenda could not say much 2-not a Obama hate-fest, so no signs, no venom. 3-not a money making event for Beck/Palin - so a guise of supporting the troops and giving lip service to some non-profit. 3-not racist bullshit, so put all the people of color up front and wrap your stupid snake flag around King's batshit crazy Neice. 4- not a religious event, so talk about god, make the Jewish guy pray, but don't mention jesus.
You tell me...what's in all this for any self-respecting teabagger idiot? And just exactly what are they taking back and most importantly, what are they replacing it with? I know, most of them want to take back the country from the Black guy and all the stinkin hippies that helped elect him. But I think they got little satisfaction today. So I guess that's good.