(Hightower says that there may be more but these are the most prominent groups. Just imagine these groups faxing out "Talking Points" every day to all the MSM and CABLE, plus NETWORKS to give the clueless anchors their marching orders for the day in reporting. Hightower also says creating "stunts" is also one of the Koch Bros. supported groups tricks. Think for the "March on Washington" with the idiots Beck and Palin that's going on this weekend.)
Right-wing groups receiving major grants from the Koch Family Foundations
Cowboy hat By Jim Hightower - Sun., 2/7/10
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Right-wing groups receiving major grants from the Koch Family Foundations (Charles Koch, David Koch, and Claude Lambe Foundations)
Amounts granted from 1976 through 2007, the latest year for which data is available.Organization: Amount
* George Mason University Foundation, Inc.: $25,808,987
* Cato Institute: $13,349,240
* Citizens for a Sound Economy/Freedomworks: $12,906,712
* Mercatus Center: $8,024,000
* Institute for Humane Studies: $4,668,957
* The Heritage Foundation: $3,272,000
* Americans for Prosperity Foundation: $3,176,500
* Institute for Justice: $2,615,000
* Reason Foundation: $2,354,212
* Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies: $2,002,700
* Bill of Rights Institute: $1,667,000
* Foundation for Research on Economics and the Environment (FREE) : $1,305,000
* Pacific Research Institute for Public Policy: $1,160,800
* Manhattan Institute for Policy Research, Inc.: $1,125,000
* Washington Legal Foundation: $1,105,000
* Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, Inc.: $850,000
* Intercollegiate Studies Institute: $706,250
* Competitive Enterprise Institute: $666,420
* Capital Research Center: $605,000
* National Center for Policy Analysis: $600,000
* American Enterprise Institute: $500,000
* Tax Foundation: $475,000
* American Legislative Exchange Council: $465,000
* Pioneer Institute for Public Policy Research: $300,000
* Center for Equal Opportunity: $240,000
* Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty: $297,500
* Texas Policy Foundation: $296,516
* Philanthropy Roundtable: $263,700
* Institute for Energy Research: $237,000
* Property and Environment Research Center: $219,500
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