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Media Matters: Glenn Beck’s Not So Well Known Racist Moments

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mike r Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-28-10 06:34 PM
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Media Matters: Glenn Beck’s Not So Well Known Racist Moments

Beck's "funny 'black guy' character." Journalist Alexander Zaitchik wrote in his September 2009 profile of Beck for that Beck, as a younger man, had many "racial hang-ups." According to Zaitchik: "Among the show's regular characters was Beck's zoo alter ego, Clydie Clyde. But Clyde was just one of Beck's unseen radio ventriloquist dolls. 'He was amazing to watch when he was doing his cast of voices,' remembers Kathi Lincoln, Beck's former newsreader. 'Sometimes he'd prerecord different voices and talk back to the tape, or turn his head side to side while speaking them live on the air. He used to do a funny "black guy" character, really over-the-top.' "

Beck's Top 40 radio "racist tropes." In an August 24 entry to the Southern Poverty Law Center's Hate Watch blog, Zaitchik wrote:

Throughout his career in Top 40 radio, Beck was known for his imitations of "black guy" characters and racist tropes. According to Beck's former colleagues in the late 90s, this included mocking unarmed blacks shot and killed by white police officers. Such was the case of Malik Jones, the victim of a controversial killing that took place in 1997.

"After the shooting, Beck sometimes did a racist shtick," remembers Paul Bass, a former radio host and Beck colleague at a Clear Channel station cluster in New Haven. "Glenn did routines about Jones' grandmother being on crack. Generally he made fun of his family and the loss of life--as joke routines."

Beck's racially tinged tirades did not disappear after he switched formats in 1999. During his first talk radio stint in Tampa, he often referred to the Rev. Jesse Jackson as "the stinking king of the race lords."

Beck forced to apologize for "mocking Asians." In 1995, Beck and his co-hosts at KC101 in Hartford, Connecticut were made to apologize for mocking an Asian man who called into the program. The Hartford Courant reported in October 20, 1995: "When Tong telephoned WKCI- FM to protest the broadcast as a racial slur, disc jockeys Glenn Beck and Pat Grey made fun of him. The two played a gong in the background several times, and Papineau, the executive producer, mocked a Chinese accent."

Beck's book stuffed with stereotypes. Beck's Arguing With Idiots is rife with cartoons depicting serape- and sombrero-clad Mexicans with thick mustaches. The book also uses a cartoon Chinese takeout container to represent Chinese immigrants.

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peacetalksforall Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-28-10 07:14 PM
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1. In the video that is on the home page right now - there are examples of
ultra alluding hate and blame.

Catch the words:

End of time thing. Dark dudes. Coming our way.

Catch the words:

Holocaust all over again.

Which implies (for him) that white people will be the persecuted.

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democracy1st Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-28-10 07:19 PM
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2. K & R
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Raschel Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-28-10 07:38 PM
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3. More 'honor-restoring' moments from Beck.
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UTUSN Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-28-10 08:33 PM
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4. Here's one of today's disappointed BecKKKers 'cause he didn't get enough


I'm a Racist Idiot, And All I Got Was This Stupid T-Shirt

Reader J. Peach took this picture at today's "Glenn Beck Restores America" poetry slam and cookout. All of this man's racist shirts that actually make sense were at the cleaners. (Also, it's "Mauritania," dumbass.)
Send an email to Adrian Chen, the author of this post, at

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peacetalksforall Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-28-10 08:43 PM
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5. Is Media Matters the place I could find a discussion about the messages in his words. If you examine
Edited on Sat Aug-28-10 08:44 PM by peacetalksforall
what he is saying - some of it is what we've been saying, but he is flipping it.

I'm reading a book right now about the Council on Foreign Relations, the Tri-Lateral Commission, European Royalty, the Anglo nations. The book brings things together and makes sense of what we've been piecing together.

The Bilderberger Group is carrying out their plan. A divide between the most elite on the earth in their eyes to whom they give all the credit. We are nothing. We've been saying that someone seems interested in reducing the population, some are interested in silencing us, some are interested in killing protests, some want us to have the minimum, some want us to serve.

When he speaks, it is like he is the warm-up man for the next step which is what we were predicting could happen when Cheney was President (with or without the V.).

It seems that Beck and Fox are using all Beck's hate energy to ease us into the next phase of the baron plan. But Beck and Fox are flipping it all to make the Democrats the evil target of the threat before us when we all know that there is a near solid Republican force behind it - it being the future everyone's future if a person is in the serf category. And that is where the teabaggers are.

"Stepping beyond socialism, we're looking at Fascism".

As if Obama is the Fascist when we know who the Fascists are - the Barons and their enablers. Beck is making his white followers believe that Fascism is coming from the Democrats.

"Rivers of blood. Holocaust all over again. One World Economic".

Rivers of blood - mass death. Holocaust all over again - mass death. One world economic - Bilderbergers (a worldwide group and from the U.S., Democrats and Republicans, with Henry Kissinger executing it and many others giving the orders to Henry).

"You introduce fear and hunger and this stable country goes swinging off into the left or the right and you can have a tyrant take over". He means left.

Does he know the real plan for us or are they just coaching him to repeat what they say?

What is their game plan to make the baron Bilderberger plan a Democratic plan?
Is he an insider or not? If the barons have him working on it, a change for us may be close. I would like to see him be hauled in for instigating all hate crimes from this day forward.
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