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Sharron Angle continues to Bring Teh Crazy

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (1/22-2007 thru 12/14/2010) Donate to DU
marmar Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-28-10 07:25 PM
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Sharron Angle continues to Bring Teh Crazy
from the WaPo:

Sharron Angle twice refuses to disavow claim that there are "domestic enemies" in Congress

In an interview with a conservative talk show host yesterday, Sharron Angle was given two clear chances to disavow the claim that there are "domestic enemies" within Congress, an assertion she previously expressed unequivocal agreement with. Both times, Angle refused.

As I reported here the other day, during a 2009 interview, a right-wing talk show host told Angle that there are "domestic enemies" and "homegrown enemies" within the "walls of the Senate and the Congress." Angle replied: "Yes, I think you're right."

Yesterday, Angle was asked by Nevada radio host Heidi Harris if she wanted to disavow the remarks. Both times, she declined:

HARRIS: They have gone back to almost a year ago, dug through a conversation you had with my buddy Bill Manders up there in Reno, the big talker up there, where he said that we have domestic enemies and he thinks some of them are in the walls of the Senate and Congress, and you agreed with him. Did you agree with him?

ANGLE: Well, we were talking about what's going on in Congress, of course, and the policies that have come out of Congress, and those policies as we've all seen over the last 18 months have definitely hurt our country.

HARRIS: Yeah, well I agree with you by the way, but I wanted to make sure you got you a chance to clarify that, because I'll tell you the truth, Sharron. I do think we actually do have folks in Congress who truly want to do us harm and see us change from the nation we are now.

ANGLE: There is no doubt that the policies that have been coming out in the last 18 months have injured us, and injured us most specifically here in Nevada.

At the end of the exchange, Harris claimed that there are people in Congress who "truly want to do us harm." Angle didn't disavow that statement, either. .........(more)

The complete piece is at:

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sallyseven Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-28-10 07:37 PM
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1. Yes and they are the republicans.
McConnell, Boner, and any other repuke in the congress.
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jmowreader Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-28-10 08:16 PM
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2. I don't know why she should disavow that
I mean, Michele Bachmann and John Boehner are still employed there, aren't they?
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