Media Has Made a Mockery of the Real News by Giving Credence to Glenn Beck's Rally
Submitted by BuzzFlash on Sat, 08/28/2010 - 5:45am.
Good grief! Who would have thought that Glenn Beck of Fox {Fraudcacsting} News, who just two years ago was often mocked for his histrionics, his crying, his diatribes, and his phoniness, would now be leading a congregation of extreme right wingers in an effort to "get their country back."
Using Glenn Beck as a guru for straightening out this country is like using Larry, Moe, or Curley as the standard bearers for analytical thought and social behavior!If by "getting my country back" the intense but nutty element in this country means get it back so it can be given to big business and rich white men, leaving behind the poor, middle class, and minorities, then listen to this clown, Glenn Beck pontificate.
He will ride on the back of the current manufactured mood, ginned up by the Koch brothers according to the New York Times, and will deceive, misdirect, malign, and whatever else it takes to maintain his status as a newsmaker, "guru," and rich white man.
The media has made a mockery of the real news by giving credence to Glenn Beck's rally being held today in Washington. As the New Yorker reported, the Koch brothers are funding and are the main financial force behind the Tea Party movement. If so, they must be O.K. with Glenn Beck, and consequently must be out of their rich white minds.
One thing is for sure. If we don't get off our butts and vote, we run the risk of losing Medicare, losing Social Security, handing the country to crazy Tea Partiers, and installing a Glenn Beck or Sarah Palin type as president.
That scares the heck out of me.