So, he tries to blame President Obama for his misAdministration's fuckup over the 'Race to the Top make it to the top ten and you get hundreds of millions of dollars in Federal School aid' contest.
Whenever there is a LOT of money, and a Puke is involved, the greed makes them stoopid.
So, they put the WRONG information in the submission forms. And then Christie and his dumb as dirt 'Education Commissioner" Bret 'the Swindler' Schundler, who has tried unsuccessfully to be Governor before, make an appearance together and the spin gets crazy.
Two days ago, Christie fires 'the Swindler' over this because it turns out the fuck up was HIS fault.
So Christe loses out on the Federal lotto, Schundler gets fired because he NEEDS to collect unemployment (WTF????) and NJ get another reason to fire this prick in three years.
What an asshole.