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Too much tea party racism As protesters call Dem leaders "nigger" and "faggot," it's time for Republ

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babsbunny Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Aug-29-10 07:59 AM
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Too much tea party racism As protesters call Dem leaders "nigger" and "faggot," it's time for Republ
Too much tea party racism
As protesters call Dem leaders "nigger" and "faggot," it's time for Republicans to denounce them. Updated

By Joan Walsh

(Updated below)

When the tea party movement began last year I saw it as right-wing reaction, but given the economic turmoil across the country, I tried to understand it. Maybe there was populism within the movement that the left needed to recognize. I attended a local tea party last April 15, tax day, and while I didn't find folks whose minds seemed mutable by liberal populism, at least it seemed possible to have a conversation. I wrote about a former banker and a Democrat who made common cause with some of the protesters around the bank bailout and Goldman Sachs's overall influence on government. She had some good conversations. I saw closed minds, but I didn't see violence or overt racism. Of course I was in San Francisco, so it probably wasn't representative of the tea party movement, but I still think the effort to understand the economic anxiety that's part of what's motivating the tea partiers was worth my time.

A year later, though, it's worth more of my time to say what many resist: The tea party movement is disturbingly racist and reactionary, from its roots to its highest branches. On Saturday, as a small group of protesters jammed the Capitol and the streets around it, the movement's origins in white resistance to the Civil Rights Movement was impossible to ignore. Here's only what the mainstream media is reporting, ignoring what I'm seeing on Twitter and left wing blogs:
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Orrex Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Aug-29-10 08:10 AM
Response to Original message
1. The infuriating thing is that it's been obviously and transparently racist since the beginning
Edited on Sun Aug-29-10 08:11 AM by Orrex
The dutiful MSM has responded to this reality by finding the one African American at any given TeaBagger event, and they ask him if he's seen any racism at the rally.

"Of course not," he invariably answers. "We just want to take our country back."

End of story.

It's much like the curiously white, male, and middle aged Libertarian rallies that have been going on for decades. They protest that there's nothing inherently racist about the Libertarian platform, but in practice it certainly seems to attract a particular demographic in preference to others.

If the MSM were remotely honest or had a shred of integrity (both unlikely, I know) it would call the TeaBaggers out for their racism. Failing that, perhaps the MSM can explain why signs decrying "A Lyin' African" are race-neutral commentaries on the economic realities of the day.
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RKP5637 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Aug-29-10 08:44 AM
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2. The difference I see is they left their hoods and sheets home, unlike in the 60's. n/t
Edited on Sun Aug-29-10 08:45 AM by RKP5637
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USA_1 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Aug-29-10 08:57 AM
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3. It Would Help If The Media Reported This
It would also help if people would make posts like this on web forums throughout the USA. Send LTTE, and make occasional calls to radio discussions. That would enlighten many. But it would help even more if the Democrats would hold their own rallies and present proofs of these racist/homophobic demonstrations.
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oswaldactedalone Donating Member (284 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Aug-29-10 08:59 AM
Response to Reply #3
4. We have to get this message out...
That the tea party is all about greed and racism. The only way we can defeat this menace is to the world what they are really all about. It will be difficult to overcome the Faux News mouthpiece but it has to start somewhere.
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msongs Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Aug-29-10 09:19 AM
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5. democratic party Inc should take the lead on this but it is too afraid to fight the good fight nt
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northofdenali Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Aug-29-10 10:48 AM
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6. I was at a parade last month with Tea Baggers in prominence.
There is a large Philopino group who have a float every year with great dancers.

The Baggers started yelling "get out of our country".

There's a great "New Orleans style" band.

The Baggers started yelling "nigger".

I don't recognize my town any more.
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RagAss Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Aug-29-10 10:54 AM
Response to Reply #6
7. What town is this?
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northofdenali Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Aug-29-10 06:07 PM
Response to Reply #7
8. Fairbanks, Alaska
Mostly libertarian, hate government, but I've NEVER seen racism.
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