A close friend has company in from California this week. Bob is an aggressive right wing nut. He spent a fortune on high quality printed T-Shirts that trash the administration, Congress, and so forth. If you overlook their blatant absurdity, they're really very well done. He's promoting his right-wing blog by peddling the shirts at gun shows. Nobody was buying in California, so he flew out a couple of months ago, looked things over here in Texas, and returned with SUV loaded to hit major, back-to-back shows in Dallas and Fort Worth.
Face it, Dallas can be described quite accurately: "You will never find a more wretched hive of (right-wing) scum and villainy." Bob complained that people loved the shirts, but were unwilling (embarrassed) to wear such radical stuff in public. In Dallas. Of course, Bob attributes this to Liberal (media) strong-arm techniques. In Dallas? C'mon Bob. The entire propaganda meme has become so distorted that it embarrasses even true believers.
Yesterday was the Fort Worth show. Sales went a lot better. Still a major bust. But better than Dallas. No excuses yet. Bob's really tired after such a hectic two weeks. Poor Bob.