A familiar conservative meme popped up in a short LTTE to the Columbus Dispatch today:
We must consider kin of 9/11 victims
(Columbus Dispatch, August 29, 2010)
There is no Shinto shrine at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, and there should be no Muslim religious center at ground zero in New York.
Skipping over the "at ground zero" business, I have heard (as stated here) that there is no Shinto shrine at the Pearl Harbor site, I have heard that there
is such a shrine there, established to symbolize peace, and I have heard that there is such a shrine but it is blocks away. (I have also heard that it is "miles away".)
I spent a frustrating half-hour with the Google this morning and cannot seem to find any actual facts (or maps, etc.) that could settle this "issue" once and for all.
Please. Are there any DUers living in Hawaii, or who perhaps have visited there, who can tell us once and for all whether there is or is not a Shinto shrine (or any Japanese presence) at or near the Pearl Harbor site?