What we are witnessing in our country, and every other that has sensed an impending deprivation, is human nature. The thread is identical in nature, but varying in severity. In earlier times, witches, the possessed, or unlucky would be suitable targets, to avert the gaze of the all seeing eye.
Glenn Becks quiet statement, was, we'all are large in number, and you have no longer any claims to whine, complain, beg, declare, convince, hope, announce, FEEL anything about your origins, or the origins of your recent ancestors. Nor the remaining attitudes, spawned by that history. You'all, will work, and shut up about your wanting a shot at the american dream too.
Those leaning libertarian, sense the advantage they received, and want to amplify that, without the encumberance of competing claims. Slavery is OK, slongas the person entered that state willingly. They SHOULD be served by those less superior.
The prevailing sociopathic state of affairs is nothing but human nature, and will get far worse, if the future indeed becomes bleak. Hypervigilance, makes those PRONE to insensitivity to forget entirely humane intention. To be replaced by devoted diligent rapaciousness.
Man was never intended evolutionarily, to exist in this density. As Einstein said, Nationalism is the measles of humanity. That goes for every level of abstraction.
I begin to hear less, the insane ravings, and instead see frightened animals. I have always feared frightened animals. Whenever I encounter one, I always develop a plan to crush it's skull, before it reaches me, to do damage. That they are also my neighbors and countrymen complicates mightily the situation.
Ramping down demagogues, is critical at this juncture, or we will see Beck's minions, or those like them commit attrocities thought extinct in western culture. We are at a crossroads, and the fact that they have now fully injected religion into their mission does not portend well. Folks, this is gonna be history.