of the area in just the last 10 days (pics here)
http://motherjones.com/rights-stuff/2010/08/found-bps-supposedly-missing-oiland as someone very much there, had this to say a few days ago about conditions still ongoing:
Forcing the Media's Hand
As the media ignores the atrocities here in the Gulf and moves on to more important issues like Roger Clemens committing perjury I have been at my whits end trying to figure out a way to help the people and the wildlife of the Gulf. Massive amounts of oil remain on the beaches of the Gulf, and since the clean up efforts have been pared down to almost nothing I would say that more oil is on the beaches now than ever before, as it continues to roll in on a daily basis. Much of this oil has never seen a BP shovel, and it is quite clear that the responsible party never intended to clean it up, and that our government never intended to hold them accountable.
I'm not sure if this is a legitimate thing to do, but I devised a plan that if I contacted the media and showed them all of my irrefutable evidence of the oil, and BP's lack of effort to clean it up, and also publicized the fact that they were contacted and now know about this, they would have no choice but to report on it. I hope it works. At least you know now that all of the media knows exactly what is going on down here and we can just hope that the amount of money BP has paid to run their advertisements constantly isn't enough to buy real journalism.
Drew Wheelan
For Immediate Release
Gulf Conservation Coordinator
The American Birding Association