(edited for copyright purposes-proud patriot Moderator Democratic Underground)
Apparently, the media are broadly defined to encompass both Fox News - where a fist bump between Barack and Michelle Obama was once somberly debated as some sort of terrorist greeting - and e-mails from people who have to wipe froth from their keyboards as they type.
I know I get more than my fair-and-balanced share of these missives. My favorite version in recent weeks broke the news that Obama's stealth campaign to destroy the nation includes -
wait for it - terrorist interior designers.
We are sooo doomed.
"For a long time," the sleazy spam began, "I have noticed that the decor at the White House has changed since BHO moved in. The Oval Office is now stripped of the traditional red, white, and blue and replaced with Middle Eastern wallpaper, drapes and decor. The hallway that he walks out of to talk to the press now has Middle Eastern chairs, drapes, etc. And the thing that has bothered me the most is the bright yellow drape behind him every time he speaks from the White House. It has Arabic symbols on it."
The e-mail includes a photo of Obama standing in front of this "bright yellow curtain" - with (oh ... my ... Allah) no U.S. flag in sight. "Trust me when I say that this is intentional. It should alarm every American," the spamster states. "He told you he would change America, didn't he? This man, whoever he really is, is not an American. He and his ilk want to end the American Free Enterprise System."
that's the neo con plan. they keep telling us. make trouble for Obama any and all ways 24/7, 365.
if americans don't like their plan. tough.
that's OK, come voting day we will 'tough' on you neos big time.