And the rural and suburban class has more political power than the urban class, which is why ignorance and conservatism runs deep in the nation and why Democrats are forced to give in time and time again.
I don't believe for a SECOND that Obama is as conservative as he lets on. He would legalize gay marriage in a heartbeat if it didn't mean the end of his career. Just look at all the so called conservative politicians who, only AFTER they are out of office, speak out in support of gay marriage. Hell, Laura Bush. LAURA FUCKING BUSH is OK with it.
He would've gone for a universal health care system, too. Fuck, he even said so himself during the campaign that he prefers that. He only used the EXCUSE of "we can't overhaul the entire system" in order to win the support of all the suburbanites and rural folks. Otherwise he wouldn't have even been elected.
The politicians have no choice but to pander to the ones who have all the political power. Not the MAJORITY, mind you, but the ones who control the elections. The entire country is gerrymandered into giving the rural and the suburban voters the power. I'm not saying there are no liberals who live in the suburbs or on the farms, I'm saying the vast majority of the liberals live in the city. The ones who do not cannot realistically elect liberal politicians in their districts.
And that's the crux of the problem. Dennis Kucinich can't win in rural Alabama. He just can't. Can a DEMOCRAT win in rural Alabama? Sure. But he'll have to be pro guns and pro God. He'll have to be anti abortion and super Blue Dog. Gay marriage? Ha. He wouldn't have a shot if he even hinted at supporting it.
Are you going to elect two Democratic senators from Utah? It can happen. But they won't be supporting a universal health care system any time soon. They won't support anything even remotely Muslim being built anywhere near ground zero, or anywhere else for that matter. That's 2% of the votes in the Senate, right there, all for a state with the population of maybe 10 blocks around my house.
There is a way to bring true liberalism into American politics, but it would require educating people who are living in places where they are either 1) So comfortable in their little cocoons that to change would be too scary for them, or 2) In such dire straits that they turn to religion as their savior. In this case changing a mind is damn near impossible.
Or the city dwelling liberals need to move into these areas and become the majority. Not exactly likely. Like I said before, I'm not saying the majority of Americans, OVERALL, are not liberal. I'm saying they're all concentrated in the urban areas. They don't have political power. This is the problem if you ask me.