When the right figured out they could never win in 2008, they had to come up with a plan to not only help out their rich buddies who go into a mess, but make sure the blame would be laid on the democrats so they could get back in power by blaming it all on Obama! The money is being sat on so that the economy will stay a mess, and they can use it against the democrats in the coming election. No money is being lent by the big banks so small business can not expand and start hiring, once again to keep us in the mess Bush left us, and to be used against the democrats come election time.
When you keep the money from getting out to the public, when you have the MSM on your side making sure all the bad stuff is getting out but not anything good, then you can control the way americans look at things, and control who they will blame. Are americans that stupid to fall for this? Those on the right are, the question will be are the independents and those on the left going to allow this to happen and either vote for the morons that got us into this mess, stay home, give up and not vote, or will they come to their senses and realize if the don't get out and stop the republicans from taking control of congress things will NOT get better and we will get nothing at all done for at least the next two years. We can't afford to waste two more years!