Edited on Sun Aug-29-10 01:07 PM by mstinamotorcity
The people of America are supposed to run to the polls this November and cast votes for Republicans so the can take back the House and Senate.
Conservatives,Republicans, and Tea Party Members want my vote after saying and doing these things:Calling undocumented citizens Illegal Immigrants as if they are some displaced drug lords on a secret mission to work in this country. When they are mostly people who want a better way of life. And employers will take advantage of these citizens to blacken their bottom line.
They throw the word Nazis around like its the latest lady ga-ga song. Never mind that they are offending Jewish Americans and Jewish cultures all around the world. And not to mention they have been actively hunting down war criminals to this day. And what about our German American citizens who want no part of that horrific time. They have come here and built a life with neighbors and don't like all those Hitler references. Why are German automakers building on U.S. soil? Inquiring minds want to know.
They have taken an Islamic Community Center and turned it into the Muslim recruiting station for extremist funding. Offending Our Muslim sisters and brothers who just want everyone to understand their religion without ridicule. They politically tie their religion with terrorism and all other hateful things they can think of. When some of the loudest voices who express concern was not long ago taking trips with the Imam of the Cultural center.And have these silly people forgot we are in a Muslim country trying to defend the honor of 9/11? Oh they are real Sensitive. They constantly rail on and on about keeping the top two percent of America with all their loot and the rest of us can go suck an egg and pull our lazy selfs up by our bootstraps. Because unemployment is nothing but welfare and enables people to live off the Government. When the truth is that most people don't get enough to meet the needs of their home and bills. And if you refuse work that is near the wages you were getting before unemployment then it is terminated.And why in the Hell are they getting mad at something we are paying into the system for anyway.
You don't believe in rights for our LGBT community even though some of the leaders in the Republican party are gay or at least starting to come out. You don't want Health Care for American citizens but claim to be the true caring god-fearing Patriots of this country.
You want your country back. But you can't tell us from whom or where as if America grew legs and moved on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea.
They call our President a Socialist,Marxist,Hitler,Racist with a deep seeded hatred for white people ( even though the President is of Caucasian Background),communist,radical extremist,Muslim (he is a Christian),Kenya born,not following the constitution (though he is a constitutional professor).
Not to mention you have a coalition of right wing hatemongers who have so much loot that their mission is to destroy our President and his administration so they cannot succeed in moving our country forward so that you can keep with starting wars, polluting the environment and deregulating all of the financial and insurance industries,and play some self appointed messenger of god keeping poor people poor.Koch Brothers,Americans for Prosperity,Freedomworks,Citizens for Patients Rights,Heritage Foundation,Newscorp just to name a few. And telling the American people our schools and universities are re-education camps and the census is a way of tracking American citizens for interment camps like the Japanese American citizens in the days after Pearl Harbor.
Now I don't know about anybody else but they can use all the polls they want and all the negative comments they want but there is no way I am going to believe that the republican party will take anything back let alone the House or the Senate. What they can take is their dry rich asses home and enjoy their ten year profits of stealing and tax cuts and let our country move forward.
I am a member of the Democratic Party and I will be voting this November to strengthen the change and won't stop until we have a progressive administration who is truly for the people of America.
So Republicans I want you to get this straight.....NO WAY,NO HOW,CAN'T DO IT,WON'T DO IT,NADA,F--K YOU,GO TO HELL, FOUR WORDS TO YOU....SEE YA LATER BYE!!!!!!:grr: :grr: :grr: