Today, Glenn Beck tried to hijack Martin Luther King's legacy for his own rightwing agenda - and the corporate media gave saturation coverage to help him.
Yes, the same Glenn Beck who insisted President Obama "has a deep-seated hatred for white people ... This man is a racist."
Yes, the same Glenn Beck who said social justice "leads to death camps" and "a Jew, of all people, should know that."
Yes, the same Glenn Beck who called progressives a "virus waiting for their chance to suck all of the blood out of the Democratic neck."
Yes, the same Glenn Beck who called Hillary Clinton "the stereotypical bitch."
Join over 60,000 progressive activists who are boycotting Fox News advertisers: Beck doesn't just poison the airwaves with hatred. His hatred actually incites violence and murder.
On 7/18/09, Beck inspired a gunman to attack the little-known Tides Foundation, after demonizing them for 18 months. The gunman got into a massive shootout with police and wounded two of them.
On 4/4/09, Richard Poplawski murdered 3 Pittsburgh policemen after posting Beck videos on a neo-Nazi website.
On 4/9/09, Beck poured "gasoline" on an "average American" and asked, "President Obama, why don't you just set us on fire?"
On 8/16/09, Glenn Beck dramatized giving Speaker Pelosi a glass of wine with poison.
Join over 60,000 progressive activists who are boycotting Fox News advertisers: boycott of Fox News advertisers is having a huge impact - over 200 advertisers have pulled their ads from Beck's show. No sane company wants to destroy its brand through association with Glenn Beck's hate.
The advertiser boycott is cutting deeply into Fox revenues and alienating investors who want profits, not hate.
Join over 60,000 progressive activists who are boycotting Fox News advertisers: for all you do!
Bob Fertik