I'm sure I'm the only one on DU who watches this show (or anything) on ABC Family, but I love gymnastics so I follow if faithfully. Two weeks ago, I witnessed the following scene on an episode of the show. This situation is all too true to life!:
Emily Kmetko, the "underdog" gymnast, was recently arrested for stealing medicine to save her brother Brian's life. Late one night, when their mom was at work, Brian started having a seizure, and was out of anti-seizure medication. When Emily tried to get a quick refill at the corner drugstore, she expected to pay only the $15 co-pay.
Instead, the druggist said, "That will be $300."
Emily said, "No, insurance covers this. I have a $15 co-pay."
Druggist: "Not according to the computer. Insurance does not cover this. $300, please."
Emily: "No way I have that much money! Can't you just give me ONE pill! I need this medicine now! My brother is having a seizure RIGHT NOW!!"
Druggist: "No, that's against policy, can't do that. Hold on...let me look something up..."
When the druggist's back is turn, Emily grabs the full medicine bottle and makes a run for it.
Not long after, the police show up and arrest Emily. She is let out on bail and is awaiting trial. Stay tuned.