I consider voting an obligation of democracy and the responsibility of a citizen.
The constant accusation of people sitting out is a constructed talking point for the purpose of setting up a presumptive defense that blames liberals for bad turn out.
Y'all are bullying the wrong end of the spectrum, when Democrats lose in the last few decades it is always because too many vote Republican, yes even in 2000.
The ones that vote Republican are conservatives not liberals. All liberals are doing is advising middle of the road Democrats, leadership, and corporate Democrats is that the free lunch is over. Traditional Democratic principles and policy will be pursued or another vehicle for those goals will be sought even if it means building it from scratch.
That is life folks, if you don't listen to people at some point they try to find someone that will.
Zealous partisans are digging a grave, in my opinion. The refusal to honestly accept concerns, telling people they have nowhere else to go, and open disdain for the urgent need to change the dynamic is suicidal for the party and depending on fear and bullying to keep votes in line is ignorant of the make up of the people you are supposedly working on.
People don't live on sticks and Koolaid. Fuck you, get out and vote for us, kiss my ass you stupid kooks, we need your help getting out the vote, everything you believe is fucking idiotic and crazy, help us sell the agenda, and please help right now with a contribution of at least $25 is bad messaging to say the least.
Rewarding that and literally asking for seconds is insane, maybe measurable better than voting for the theocratic, racist wing of the corporate party but certainly not rational behavior.
I'm doing what is rational and asking my party to understand the needs of the American people at large and put their interests first and foremost.
If asking is falling on deaf ears and I have been persistent in making my case I must demand it change and no demand can come without the force of consequences or it becomes a suggestion and we already tried that.
What else could one's obligations to the very ideals demand? It is not the duty of the citizen to defer to institutional will when that will no longer represents their interests and values and moreover takes actions that hinder them ever coming to fruition while mocking them right along with the opposition. Same framing and talking points.
Nope, that is crazy but right now Obama isn't on the ballot and none of the leadership shows up on mine.
My rep hasn't be perfect but he's been better than average by far so I support him and he listens, I can diffuse misinformation for Conway as well as attack the madman so I can be a net help in addition to my vote for Conway even while admitting among friends that he's likely to be any better than say Bayh and because of some industry interest in the state may be worse in addressing issues of the day.
I'm trying to help them win but it has nothing to do with the leadership either way other than hopefully having enough votes to make them accountable in two years because I'm fairly settled that they wish to lose and remove the burden of trying to pretend to do anything to benefit the American people.
We should try if for no other reasons than not giving the bastards the satisfaction of lamely replaying the mid nineties script. If we can rip up that gameplan then we will have given enough rope to force the bold to step in to fill the vacuum.
The problem is we have nothing but lame scams masquerading as reform and boogiemen to sell to folks and that is what the real problem is. Even the boogieman is hard to work when we are easily busted emulating them and make no move to hold the criminals accountable.
So, while I actually desire for Democrats to win so I can hold them accountable they have done a lackluster job and promise nothing in the way of doing any different in the future that it is a mighty tough job of trying to drag the fuckers across the finish line to set up a meaningful opposition to this absurd mentality that has infected our party leadership nor sharpen outside influences to allow the spectrum to expand to fit actual solutions instead of political slight of hand.
This had to be intentional, you can't fuck up this bad on accident without being so rudderless that it makes no difference.
Are they nuts?