First Commandment Put all your heart into your role in the economy. Spare nothing for family life, hobbies, social life, volunteering, philanthropy, etc. The amount of money you make measures your virtue. What you do with the money is completely irrelevant. However, money is just a tool or vehicle. It won't replace you as the driver, but it will measure all dimensions of your worth as a human being.
Second Commandment You shall oppose any government attempt to go beyond its proper functions: using violence, making threats, and figuring out the appropriate threats or violence in a given situation. Threats and violence are the only way that governments can prevent, halt, or deter violations of your rights. One of your rights is the right to maliciously torture dogs, cats, and chimpanzees just for the fun of it, provided that you bought the animals. The reason that non-human animals have no rights whatsoever is that they don't understand the rational language of threats. Non-human animals understand only violence.
Third Commandment Be a creator. The creator builds tools. The second-hander decides what the tools will be used for. Von Braun created the V2 rocket for the Nazis. Maybe you can be like Von Braun. The only other choice is to become a Nazi or some other kind of second-hander.
Fourth Commandment Tax dollars may be used to kill foreign human beings, but shall not be used to kill germs. In case of an epidemic within the jurisdiction of an Objectivist government, the Objectivist government may quarantine infected individuals, but the government may not spend any tax dollars on any of the following: research to develop a preventative vaccine, a dose of the vaccine for an individual who didn't pay for a dose, research to develop treatments for the disease, or actual treatment of victims.
Fifth Commandment You shall revere productive achievement as the noblest kind of activity that you can engage in. For example, A isn't productive achievement, but B is productive achievement and therefore noble:
A: Spending money to buy books by Ayn Rand. Spending time reading them. Spending time, without being paid, to post explanations or applications of Objectivist philosophy on at least one internet message board.
B: Working as a director or producer in porn production and receiving wages and/or profit sharing and/or royalties.