Beck’s Rally: A Nice Fit With the Mormons’ “Normality” Ad Campaign
By Jim Edwards
Glenn Beck — still suffering (if that’s the right word) from an advertiser boycott of his Fox News Channel show — held his rally in Washington, D.C., at the weekend and asked America to turn back to God. But which God? Most people don’t know that Beck is a Mormon and a few years ago made an infomercial for the Church of the Latter Day Saints.
His rally, which he said “has nothing to do with politics; it has everything to do with God,” comes at the same time as the LDS runs its new ad campaign, promoting how normal Mormons consider themselves to be. Beck also apologized for calling President Obama a racist more than a year ago. Whether that apology will be enough to bring back the more than 100 advertisers who have pledged not to advertise on his show is an open question. (Beck more recently described the Obama adminisration as “like the damn planet of the apes.”)
Most people don’t know that when Beck talks about restoring religion to public life he’s not talking about Christianity. There were once several locations on YouTube featuring videos in which Beck described his mormonism (he joined the church in 1999) but as the screenshot below indicates those have mostly been taken down... Deseret Book is an LDS publishing house that sells “An Unlikely Mormon: The Conversion Story of Glenn Beck,” a $19.95 DVD in which Beck talks about being a hopelessly unemployed alcoholic who turned his life around by following the teachings of Joseph Smith...
Almost exactly a year ago I jokingly suggested that Beck’s career arc was following that of Howard Beale, the news anchor in the movie “Network” who goes crazy during a broadcast and starts a messianic cult. Twelve months later, “Network” is looking less like an amusing Hollywood fantasy and more like Beck’s business plan.