There are certain advantages to being behind in listening to podcasts*. One big one is seeing how much the right-wing shitstorm of today was last year's yawnfest.
From the Best of the Left Podcast for July 8, 2009, Cenk playing a clip of Jesse Ventura being interviewed on Sean Hannity's show... dunno if it's radio or TV. The sound quality is pretty good, so it's probably TV.
Jesse is putting Sean through the wringer over Bush/Cheney's utter failure as an effective team for national defense. Jesse specifically mentions the August 6th, 2001 briefing that Bush ignored, and says "Did you know he took over 900 days of vacation?" as part of his critisism.
Hannity, staunch Bush defender, then says "So what? The President's never off!" and then tapers off with some stammering fragmented sentence ending in "Bill Clinton...Bill Clinton...Bill Clinton" before Cenk cuts the audio clip.
So, to be absolutely clear here: the same people that are, in 2010, critisizing Obama's vacation days were of the opinion, in 2009, that it didn't matter because "the President's never off!".
I've decided I don't give a shit how many days Obama spends on vacation. I know that Obama will be a better, more informed, and more-in-the-loop president sitting at the edge of a dock in Florida and doing a sudoku puzzle than Bush would be at a cabinet meeting at the White House.
* The downside is that I get to enjoy the rise of the deathers, teabaggers, and astroturfers again. Yay.