Big grocers take aim at the UFCW
Darrin Hoop, a member of UFCW Local 21 in Seattle, asks whether his union is prepared to draw the line against concession demands from the big grocery chains.
August 31, 2010
THE UNITED Food and Commercial Workers Union (UFCW) is in the midst of an 18-month period in which it is negotiating contracts for more than 400,000 of its 1.3 million members.
Will the union move forward or backward? So far, there are several grocery contracts that have been settled throughout the country...Unfortunately, both the UFCW local union and International Web sites--and, not surprisingly, the mainstream media--have very few details of these settlements. Due to the history of concessionary contracts negotiated by the UFCW, the silence is troubling.
But there's another major struggle taking place in the grocery industry that will help determine the union's direction: Some 25,000 grocery workers around Washington state have been locked in tense negotiations for over four months. On the bosses' side, three of the richest grocery corporations in the U.S.--Kroger, Albertson's (owned by Supervalu), and Safeway--have united for negotiations as Allied Employers, Inc. For the workers, 19,000 are represented by UFCW Local 21, while the other 6,000 are represented by UFCW Local 81 and Teamsters Local 38. The workers are spread out over 218 stores in nine counties throughout Western Washington.
Erin Collins, a 17-year Safeway worker, described important issues in an e-mail:
Some of the things that ARE NOT being said, but are big issues to Safeway employees (besides the pensions and benefits) are that Safeway wants to take away Sunday time and one-third
. They want to take away holiday time and half . The "journeymen' clerks" (I'm lucky enough to be in that category) will receive $1 more an hour for holiday and, I think, Sunday pay. Everyone else, which is the majority of the workers, will get straight time. They want to take away our vacation time, too. So someone like me, who's accrued four weeks of vacation time, they only want to pay me for two weeks of vacation time. I've been with Safeway for 17 years!