In WA State, there is no registration by party, therefore the party voter database does statistical analyses based on phonebanking and doorbelling results, caucus attendance, public records of donations, etc. The rankings are periodically validated by independent surveyers. The categories are mostly self-explanatory. "Unknown" means that party points have been assigned but not enough to determine a statistically valid designation. "No data" means that no data has been entered about a voter, a category that is heavily dominated by youger voters. Below is the data compiled for my legislative district.
By party ID all ages M% F% Strong Democrat 43.5% 56.4% Democrat 44.2% 55.8% Ind-Democrat 46.0% 53.9% Independent 50.7% 49.3% Ind-Republican 51.0% 49.0% Republican 53.3% 46.6% Strong Repub 52.7% 47.3% Unknown 51.8% 48.1% No data 50.9% 49.0% Total 48.5% 51.4%
By party ID older than 50 M% F% Strong Democrat 40.9% 59.1% Democrat 42.8% 57.2% Ind-Democrat 44.4% 55.6% Independent 49.6% 50.4% Ind-Republican 50.0% 50.0% Republican 51.5% 48.5% Strong Repub 51.2% 48.8% Unknown 52.3% 47.7% No data 52.3% 47.7% Total 47.0% 53.0%
You will notice that Republicans are male majority, but that the distinction between M and F voters is nowhere near as great as it is for Democrats, who trend Democratic by significant majorities. Men over 50 are slightly less likely to be Republican. However, among voters over 50, Democrats are by far a women's voting bloc.
These are the people that Simpson and Obama are insulting. These are the peoplewho sustain society with the vast majority of unpaid labor, who are more likely to be poor in old age for that reason, and who rely mostly on Social Security. The folks who have done more socially useful work in a week than that sociopathic shitstain Simpson has done in his entire life. The folks that Simpson thinks should just die already. The folks who are most likely to have FDR New Deal values. The folks who are most likely to vote in off-year elections.
I just don't BELIEVE how fucking tone-deaf the Obama adminsitration is before a crucial mid-term election. If Democrats cut Social Security, they are over as a political party.
And yes, Obama has insulted us by accepting an apology from Simpson. Given that he isn't an old woman, he had no standing whatsoever to do that.