Tea Party Rally Report
Tea and Sandwiches with Glenn Beck
By Jeff August 30, 2010 | 7:15 am
Unless you've been hiding in your basement listening to Cream records for the past two weeks, you're most likely aware that a large rally took place on the mall this past weekend (supposedly) in celebration of Martin Luther King's I Have A Dream speech. We don't need to go into detail about how utterly ridiculous it is that Glenn Beck, a recovering drug addict, Mormon, loony, right-wing talk show host would try and co-opt one of the most beautiful moments in American history. You already know that. We already know that. It's just a matter of joining in the absurdity and documenting it on film so that someone can tell their grandchildren: "I was there".
Check out Video of Our Pregnant Demon at the Rally:

Here's the thing about a Glenn Beck rally: when you go dressed up as a 6-foot tall pregnant demon in heels with a sign that reads "I Want a Sandwich", the Tea-Partiers really have no idea what to do. Should they be angry? Should they be amused? What does the sign mean? Why is that demon pregnant? It scares them. Not because the mask is scary (although it is). It scares them because they don't understand it and it's different than they are.

Again, it's confusing. Not many a lesser demon appears from the fiery depths of hell with a penchant for human food. You'll usually find a hell-beast hell bent on devouring souls. Or babies. Or baby souls. Rarely do you find one who wants sandwiches. And when you do, if you're in Washington D.C. to protest taxation (is that why they're here?), well then for some reason the sandwichery strikes a menacing chord.

The Tea Party is so loosely defined on it's ethos (anti-taxation, anti-large government, anti-Obama, pro-Patriotism, pro-American Flag, pro-Glenn Beck, pro-Sarah Palin, etc.) that you never really know what type of reaction you're going to encounter. Pointing out that some dude looks like the guy from Orange County Choppers might get you a 'well, you look like a ridiculous idiot'...