here's a first-hand account from some random lady:

It was like people were camping out for a concert. Blankets, coolers, lawn chairs, reading by flashlight. People had staked out their spaces 10 hours before an event. They weren’t there for Lady Gaga or Madonna. They were there for political rock stars Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin and Saturday’s Restoring Honor Rally in Washington, D.C.
The Restoring Honor Rally was not political, but there was a general frustration over the current Congress and the Obama administration among the crowd and myself, especially with the continuing expansion of government, rising unemployment and ballooning debt. The rally was also not about Beck, Palin, Republicans, Democrats, or the Tea Party. This rally was about Honor. Period. Honor to our troops and veterans. Honor to our freedoms. Honor to God. Honor to the Constitution. Honor for our country.
Going to the Restoring Honor Event was a fantastic decision. I wanted to be part of a rally where I could stand among others who believe that America is the greatest nation on Earth, no apologies. I want children to live the lives they want without being a slave to the government or the federal debt.
I would say most of the crowd believed in God, and we prayed for those who served and are serving our country. A special mention to those who served in the Vietnam War brought applause and, as a daughter of a Marine who almost died fighting in Vietnam, it was especially touching.