Give Bush Credit: The List
Tuesday, August 31, 2010 at 9:43 AM by GottaLaff 2 Comments and 0 Reactions
Paddy posted about ClusterFox’s Gretchen Carlson’s debut of a new acronym, GBC: “Give Bush Credit.” Isn’t she just the cleverest? And here we thought her blonditude meant she was dumb. Well, she sure showed us!
In fact, she’s given us just the opening we needed to jump on the GBC bandwagon.
Walt and HarborGuy had a thing or two to say about this in Comments. I’ll combine their lists into one, and then please, feel free to add to it in Comments:
GBC for ignoring threats that led to 9/11.
GBC for giving FOX News just the right catalyst (9/11) to exploit using fear and paranoia brainwashing millions of Americans for political and monetary gains.
GBC for squandering a surplus by giving tax breaks to the rich that led to rich getting richer… and nothing else.
GBC for falling for Osama Bin Ladin’s trap and going to war creating the ultimate quagmire that has done too much damage to list.
GBC for showing us a Commander-in-Chief could outdo the mismanaging of a war like Vietnam.
GBC for signing the Republican Medicare Plan D (which was a giveaway to the Pharmaceutical Companies) without paying for it.
More: in fairness, the crowning achievement of Bush's 8 years was The Do Not Call List.