First, Republicans - particularly the lying politicians - I think that most of the MUST know the extent of the lies and spin. They must realize that it was the 8 years of Bush policy (extrapolate it all the way back to Reagan if you wish) that is driving the country over the cliff. They are party to the lies, they benefit from them - either by keeping money in their pockets due to broken tax policies, or by keeping/getting more of them in office.
Second - the Tea Baggers - the whole movement is manufactured of course, bankrolled, and essentially a QVC type sales job. Instead of buying junk from their couch, they get on buses and swallow all of the PR BS.
Finally, the media, offering both sides as a moral equivalent, because they love a horse race, they need to sell products - and of course for the most part, they are owned by the first group - the republicans. So it is a perfect circle of profit and taking advantage of those who are easy marks.
Yet...and this is the big yet - all of these groups have to live in what they help create. They are American citizens, so as the lies continue to drive us in the wrong direction, people will increasingly suffer....but I guess what we are seeing is that those spinning and selling the lies feel as though, through their wealth, they can be protected from it - a very, very few with the most.
That is the only way I can conceive of the possibility - remote? likely? - that the Democrats will lose seats in November - it the only way I can make sense out of the majority of the voting public wanting to put the fox (pun intended!) back in charge of the hen house.
It is about those few who can live above and outside of the chaos, and the gullibility of those who will be impacted the most....if indeed this is how it turns out. Boggles the mind, that's for sure.
All I know is that whenever I think of a scenario where the Republicans can creep back into power, it energized me to get out and work to make it a very different story from that the so-called talking heads are pushing for November. If ever any of us need motivating, and need being drawn back into a cohesive unit to support Democrats, it should be possibility of things getting far worse if the November results work against us.