Attorney General Terry Goddard squares off with Governor Jan Brewer on Wednesday night in what may prove to be the only debate between the two gubernatorial candidates for this election. That is, unless Brewer finally agrees to Goddard's call for six additional debates around the state on topics important to Arizonans such as jobs, the economy, education and public safety. As of now, she's ducking from a serious discussion of these issues. Please join us at one of our debate watch parties to cheer on our candidate, scrutinize Brewer's claims, and enjoy the company of fellow voters. If you know of other debate parties that we've missed here, please post them in the Events section of the Arizona Democratic Party homepage (www.azdem.org). All debate parties run from 6:30 – 8:30pm Phoenix Majerle’s Sports Grill 24 N. Second St. (Corner of 2nd St. and Washington) Parking in available in nearby garages, guests also encouraged to take the light rail. There is a stop just two blocks away at 3rd Street and Washington. RSVP to Jonathon Cagle at jcagle@ourarizona.org Tucson Pima County HQ Office 4639 E. First St. RSVP to Caitlyn Brady: cbrady@ourarizona.org East Valley GEMDEMS Office 7153 E. Main St., Mesa RSVP to Mike Stevens: mstevens@ourarizona.org Home of Corey Harbison 10944 E Bella Via, Mesa RSVP to Mike Stevens: mstevens@ourarizona.org Yuma Yuma County HQ Office 2450 S 4th Suite 115 RSVP to Shaun Cassidy: scassidy@ourarizona.org Nogales La Padella de Nicola 554 N Morely Ave RSVP to Alex Guzman: aguzman@ourarizona.org