As you know,I comment for the other local paper....have fun..they need to hear facts Speaking: Traitors to America!
By Jimmie Simmons ( 08/26/2010 10:29:00
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Most of us recognize the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, also known as the first of 10 parts making up the Bill of Rights, ratified effective on Dec. 15, 1791.
And, most of us know the ratification part was accomplished by a vote of 11 of 1791’s 14 sovereign colonies (often referred to as states), fulfilling the three-fourths requirement for passage.
What most of us probably also know, subconsciously at least, is that the word "religion" found in the 1st Amendment was not an all-inclusive reference by the framers of the constitution to the way we think of the word "religion" these days.
Nope, by simply looking at the constitutions and founding documents of those fourteen colonies, we should quickly pick up on the fact they were based on Christianity, more specifically, protestant Christianity.
Oh, I realize our "modern" interpretation is quick to include every ungodly religion found in the world today, even other-worldly religions, if we knew of any.
Modern thought would, if it could, omit Christianity from the 1st Amendment mix…if it could. And, it is trying to do so.
A current example is found in America’s largest city, New York.
The Muslim mosque proposed for construction at the site of the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center…by Muslim terrorists, is being hailed as a constitutional 1st Amendment right by too many Americans…who should know better.
At the same time, the small Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church (Christian), which was crushed when the South Tower fell on it, has not been able to garner the New York, White House, Washington, American, or World support needed to rebuild in the nine years since the Muslim terrorist attack.
So much for the 1st Amendment to the Bill of Rights; simply turn it on its head, you traitors to America!
What about the New York of, say, 1777? Well, per the New York Charter of Liberties and Privileges (1683) Or: "THAT Noe person or persons which professe faith in God by Jesus Christ Shall at any time be any wayes molested punished disquieted or called in Question for any Difference in opinion or Matter of Religious Concernment."
The Dutch Colony (New York) of the seventeenth century was officially intolerantly Protestant but was, as has been noted, in practice tolerant and fair to people of other faiths who dwelt within New Netherland (Dutch New York). from New Advent Catholic Encyclopedia, thus the "intolerant" verbiage is probably in reference to Catholics of the time…
More from the Catholic encyclopedia on New York: "In 1697, although the Anglican Church was never formally established in the Province of New York, Trinity Church was founded in the city of New York by royal charter and received many civil privileges and the munificent grants of land which are the source of its present great wealth."
The previous paragraph from the Catholic encyclopedia was evidently written prior to New York’s governmental spending extravaganza of recent years, the wealth part anyway.
So, you tell me, have we allowed our constitution to be stood on its head or not?
Shall we work on getting it back in an upright position.
If we the people work together, we can do it. YES WE CAN!
May Yahweh bless through Yeshua the Christ.