Using hindsight, he disregards the long list of "reasons" to invade Iraq which were actually announced by the Bush criminals and simply invents new ones, claiming THOSE are the reasons which justified the war.
He also said that Democrats were calling for war against Iraq even BEFORE BUSH TOOK OFFICE!!!
He was a key member of W's Iraq staff and, understandably, is eager to defend "his" administration, but, until tonight, I had considered him too intelligent to try to get away with such transparent revisionism. I haven't changed my mind about his intelligence. I just think he has seen how everyone else in the Bush administration has gotten away with bald-faced lies and outrageous hypocrisy and has come to the conclusion that there is no real downside to lying; no price to pay in today's political climate.
With his wife's help, Dan may run for office in the near future if he can just figure out how to handle the "Tea Party problem".