Edited on Wed Sep-01-10 08:12 AM by AndyA
Earlier, during a segment on "Morning Blow" with guests including Ari Fleischer, the assembled group was masturbating on TV about huge Democratic losses come November. They delighted in all the seats the Republicans are going to pick up, enough to win the House and of course, that gives them subpoena power, they control the money, etc.
They talked about how Issa will investigate, investigate, investigate. Truly, they could hardly conceal their glee.
Well, I say...NOT SO FAST!
While I realize there is a large number of Americans who are idiots that do not question what they are told by their "conservative" leaders, and these largely uneducated, bigoted people will vote for the conservative every time because they feel their "values" are being represented, there are also many Americans who do not fit that mold.
Those progressives and independents are concerned that these extreme right wing wackos will be voted in by the idiots, and go about trying to change everyone's life to fit the way they want things to be.
Women should be terrified of these people, as they will no longer have any say about what happens if they get pregnant. The Republicans and Tea Baggers say they want smaller, less intrusive government, but they will be happy to tell women what they must do with their own bodies.
And I think most Americans are smart enough to remember who was driving the Titanic when it slammed into the iceberg at full speed. And it wasn't the Democrats.
And I think most Americans will recall that the Republicans have done NOTHING to try to help fix the problems they created, whether it be through deregulation, cronyism, tax cuts for millionaires that quadrupled the deficit during the Bush years, or fighting the Democrats in Congress the last two years on every single thing they've attempted to do to help restore the economy.
It's obvious the Republicans have put their cronies and corporations before the American people, and it's obvious the Republicans have put their party before the welfare of the American people.
Do they really think people, knowing all of this, are going to vote them back into power?
The Republicans created this mess.
The Republicans have done nothing to fix the mess they created.
The Republicans have blocked the Democrats on every single thing they've tried to do.
The Republicans blocked unemployment benefits.
The Republicans have stated that the unemployed are lazy, and aren't really trying to find a job.
The Republicans have shown America that we aren't worthy of affordable health care, because corporate profits must be considered above all else. (And the Democrats helped enforce this with the "reform" they passed, which does nothing to control costs. Thanks, Dems. F you, Max Baucus.)
I'm beginning to think the more the Republicans spew this crap over the next few months, the better the chances will be for Democrats. I think most people will realize before it's time to vote which party is really trying to fix things, and which party is, in fact, truly dangerous to the American way of life.
I say, keep it up, GOP. Lights will start coming on across America, and you'll still have your Tea Baggers and the people who hate blacks, hispanics, and gay people, but that will be all you've got, and it's not enough to take back control.