The girl's parents offer the homeless man $50 to do the work, but he refuses. They offer more, but he refuses. This is because he's stupid, arrogant, and lazy.
He goes away and finds a magic crystal that lets him see into a parallel universe. In that universe, he sees himself as he'd be if he were intelligent, hard-working, and industrious. In that universe he's a lower-middle-class man. He makes all his payments on time, but he keeps getting shafted. First his savings is eradicated when Republicans scam the Savings and Loans. His mother dies of heatstroke when Republicans help Enron scam the California energy industry. Later he loses his home when Republicans scam the mortgage industry. He starts living in his car, but he can't drive it anywhere, because Republicans have helped the oil industry gouge Americans to the price of $4.50 a gallon.
He cries, to see the misfortune that the Republican party inflicts on hard-working Americans.
He turns the magic crystal to another facet, and sees into another parallel universe. In that universe, he sees himself exactly as he is: stupid, arrogant, and lazy. But in that universe, he was born to wealthy and connected parents. He's allowed into all the most elite schools in the country; his family connections protect him from war; he never actually has to do a day's work in his life. He accumulates wealth and power, despite his stupidity, arrogance, and laziness. The children of the wealthy shouldn't have to work, after all.
He smiles, to think of the good fortune that the Republican party would have showered on him if only his parents had been rich.
"Welcome to the Republican Party, Mr. Bush."