I guess Meg Whitman is trying to stake out a position that is to the right of California's current Republican Governor.
Diego - — GOP gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman - trying to tamp down opposition from conservatives who say she is undermining them - criticized Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and Attorney General Jerry Brown on Friday for not defending California's same sex-marriage ban, now before a federal appeals court.
Whitman's first definitive statements on how she would handle the issue as governor came hours before she spoke at the opening of the three-day state GOP convention in San Diego, where she is facing open hostility from conservatives over her positions on illegal immigration and climate change.
"I think the governor of California and the attorney general today have to defend the Constitution and have to enable the judicial process to go along ... and an appeal to go through," Whitman said. "So if I was governor, I would give that ruling standing to be able to appeal to the circuit court."
Whitman was referring to District Judge Vaughn Walker's decision earlier this month that struck down Proposition 8, California's same-sex marriage ban, as unconstitutional. It is being appealed to the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, where neither Schwarzenegger, the GOP governor, nor Brown, Whitman's Democratic rival for governor, is defending it. In an unusual circumstance, the organization that sponsored Prop. 8 is defending it in court.