Dear DU Colleagues,
I am a regular blogger here on DU, and I also blog on the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Online ( site. This site is dominated by people who have been suckered by the right wing's divide and conquer tactics, and the abuse I suffer there is sometome hateful, sometimes just comical.
For the last several months I have been using a new tactic, and I think I may be making a dent.
For the most part, I've stopped trying to counter the right-wing comments with logic. I've instead just posted a single fact, with the source for this fact cited. What I've done is expose the ridiculous compensation levels of the business leaders who have suckered these people. When they see that the CEO of this or that corporation is making X million dollars a year, they begin to accept that there is a another side to the issue, one they haven't previously considered.
I use the AFL/CIO executive paywatch site for my source. If you're interested in this site, or this tactic, here is the URL. luck and thanks for supporting the people over the corporations that are taking away our rights.
My apologies for posting this a second time. I'm hoping a more provacative subject title will get more attention.
edited to correct the link