I wrote the letter in respnse to a commentary from a local columnist. He was trashed for writing "Beck has a deep seated hate for blacks."
http://www.stltoday.com/news/local/columns/bill-mcclellan/article_e1b8330f-be04-5310-8750-de037f783209.htmlMy response:
I was glad to see Bill McClellan apply the H.L. Mencken quote "When fascism comes to America, it will come wrapped in the flag and waving a cross" to Glenn Beck in the column "Rights and wrongs at Glenn Beck rally" (Aug. 30).
Mr. Beck often uses the slippery-slope argument to link liberals to communists because, for example, "both want a more progressive taxation system."
However, the Mencken quote highlights that the same standard can be applied to Mr. Beck. Taken to their extremes, patriotism becomes nationalism and religion becomes fundamentalism. Put them together and you get Iran under the Ayatollah.
And oh my gosh, Mr. Beck follows Jesus, who, like the Ayatollah, was a Middle Eastern guy with a beard. What is Mr. Beck hiding?