Ad hominem
It is increasingly coming to my attention that certain elements in the political landscape of this country want nothing more than to divide, and instill hatred for personal and political gains — and unfortunately, it is working.
Week after week we see ad hominem and ad populum fallacies being used as the sole basis for attack, without any facts, or explanation as to why these false arguments carry any weight.
We are constantly inundated with incorrect labels such as socialist, communist and Nazi; when these terms are not at all applicable.
It is sad to see people with such political capital as Sarah Palin refer to only certain places as “real America.” I have some news for Palin: We are all a part of real America. There are not Blue States, or Red States, or even Purple States; there is only the United States. It is through our unity that we have so much strength as a nation.
It is also striking, because those most vocal in calling those on the left “un-American,” and drumming up belief that the “leftists are destroying the Constitution,” are they themselves the ones trying to repeal the 14th Amendment based solely on xenophobia. That doesn’t seem very American to me.
So stop trying to “other” us on the left.
To quote Rep. Weiner: “As Democrats we sometimes bring library books to a knife fight.” Leave the knives at home, and join me in the marketplace of ideas, where we can barter and reach a united conclusion.
Jonathon Vann,
Cross Roads