"Millions wasted in Iraq reconstruction aid: Quarterly audit paints grim picture of fraud, frustration":
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/16895294/No report on fraud, waste, and abuse in Iraq reconstruction would be complete without mentions of Halliburton's Kellogg, Brown & Root subsidiary:
http://www.sigir.mil/reports/quarterlyreports/Default.aspxThis latest quarterly report comes just in time for Chairman Waxman and his staff to digest its findings before next week's opening hearing into the subject:
http://oversight.house.gov/story.asp?ID=1156&Issue=Iraq+ReconstructionSearch on the term "Kellogg" after the 10MB PDF loads into your browser; there are 67 instances of that word in the report, with some eye-popping dollar figures.
- Dave