Ive often run into quite a lot of comments/articles that imply that there is a huge trade imbalance between America, and India/China.
After doing some research, I realize that yes..there is quite a huge gap(or rather trade deficit) between America-China trade...but the America-India Trade deficit is very low...and if one looks at the bigger picture...its almost negligible.
Maybe a lot of doom and gloom articles should drop bunching India alongside China whenever it comes to Trade deficits because those two countries do not belong to the same category when it comes to trade deficits.
I'm of the belief that pictures are worth a thousand words...so...here are some graphs.
Ergo people should not Bunch India and China together when it comes to US trade deficits/balance of trade....doing so would quite misleading.
ps: in the last two years alone, India signed ~15(with 10 more billion in the offing) billion worth of deals with American manufacturers(in the defense field alone)...which results in a lot of US manufacturing jobs. A big chunck of money India gains from its trade with America is pumped back into the US in the form of these deals.