That Health Care Bill he passed offers no cost controls, nor does it provide competition. It just delivered millions more Americans into the clutches of the industry.
Equality in America does not exist. Still. Gay people still have far fewer rights than everyone else. I would expect a black man to have a lower level of tolerance for discrimination, but apparently not.
How many millions of gay people and how many millions of people with health issues that still haven't been helped by this reform have been pushed away by Obama? I guess if you're not gay, and if you have good health care through your employer, Obama looks pretty good to you. But if you happen to be one of the millions of people who have dropped through the cracks, and then allowed to remain there by Obama, it ain't so hot.
Obama and the Dems cannot afford to throw away the support of all these people, but that's what they've done through almost two years of inaction and failure to lead and stand up to corporate America and provide health care for all with a public option.
I guarantee you if the health reform that passed had a public option, and if DADT was history right now, and gay people had legislation under way to give them the same rights everyone else already has, things would look vastly different for Obama and the Dems.