-Glenn Beck is scoffing at recent attacks from MSNBC's Keith Olbermann and others after the Fox News host inaccurately told the crowd at his recent Washington, DC rally that he "held" George Washington's handwritten inaugural address.
The uproar from the left came in response to a comment Beck made during his Restoring Honor rally on the National Mall last weekend in which he said, "I went to the National Archives and held the First Inaugural Address written in his own hand by George Washington."
Turns out the Archives' policy doesn't allow members of the public to touch rare documents like the First Inaugural Address. Instead, Beck was permitted to view the document through plastic – prompting Olbermann to declare "his story that he actually got to hold it…is wrong."
But Beck himself didn't seem frazzled by the allegations.
"They are like, 'He's such a liar. Glenn Beck is such a lair!' said Beck laughing off the criticism.
"I thought I'd be a little easier than to say, 'Yesterday, I went to the National Archives, and they opened up the vault, and they put on their gloves, and then they put it on a tray, and they wheeled it over, and it's all in this hard plastic, and the because you're sitting down at a table and you can't – because of Sandy Berger - you can't actually touch any of the documents because they are very rare'…..I thought it was a little clumsy to explain it that way."
"Might have been a little too much useless information!" Beck exclaimed. "Once again, they caught me."