Edited on Tue Sep-07-10 05:16 AM by Mortos
There was a time, not too long ago, I wrote a post on a fledgling website called Democraticunderground; a piece called, "My Name is Steven Joseph Vincent." It was written on one of the darkest days for progressives right after George W. Bush had defeated John Kerry in an election that pitted fear against hope, lies against truth and epidemic failure against accountability; the American people voted against their self interest and we had to suffer through 4 more years of truly awful political and social times. It was a time when some people were literally afraid to put their real names on a website that was so vocally critical of the rabid right wing politicians and echo chamber. The cathartic post came from my personal experiences as a liberal in a right wing state being psychologically beaten down daily by co-workers, friends, radio station talk show hosts, family members and even churches. I didn't care what happened to me at that point, I just knew I had to say something. I had to voice my frustration and in this community of like minded beaten down folks, I found a psychological sanctuary from the slings and arrows of outrageous morans. That post, at the time, got more responses than any previous post on DU. There were hundreds of other DU members who were as frustrated and depressed by the prospect of 4 more years of incompetent, evil republican leadership and the damage we feared (and were proven correct) would happen.
Contrast that with the exultation we all felt when we won, we finally won and President Barack Hussein Obama (and oh, how I loved to say his full name to my apoplectic right wing friends) was elected 22 short months ago and again when he was sworn in 2 months later. I think there was a collective sigh of relief and took a well deserved break from politics to let the president, congressmen and senators start to clean up the mess they had inherited. But then I, and I only speak for myself here, stopped doing anything other than criticizing. Sure, I would fire off the occasional angry email or call my representatives but for all intents and purposes, my involvement with, and full fledged support of the president and the progressive movement stopped. I was not working on local campaigns, donating money or making calls. I think I took that picture of President Obama with the text, "Relax, I got this," a little too literally.
Now 20 months into the presidency we all fought so hard for, some seem ready to give up and let the right wingers take this country back. Backwards. Again. Just when we are starting to see some improvements (and I know there will be a large group of people who will tell me how little improvements we have seen). I just thought we should take a moment and look back at what the same folks who are trying to get back into power now, did to us back then.
Remember when:
George W. Bush was the president, choked on a pretzel, fell off a bike (routinely), appeared to be drunk and or brain damaged during speeches? The president giving a press conference or speaking to an international audience was a humiliating experience? Karl Rove was given access to and control over everything? Dick Cheney was the real president and lied us into a war, shot a guy in the face and outed an undercover CIA agent? NEOCONS controlled our foreign policy? Every senior member of the administration lied routinely, blatantly and frequently about weapons of mass destruction in a country that didn't have any? We had a color coded terror warning system trotted out for purely partisan political reasons to scare the shit out of the average American voter? Billionaires got tax cuts? The EPA was gutted? Science and reason were slandered? There was a serious discussion about amending the Constitution to ban; gay people from getting married, abortion, flag burning and to allow an Austrian born action hero body builder to run for president? Enron went bankrupt an destroyed the retirement portfolios of thousands while Bush's buddy Ken Lay profited? Gas was $5 a gallon and gas companies were raking in obscene record quarterly profits? Hurricanes Katrina and Rita and the horrific aftermath of incompetent nominees to head serious government agencies? American's were arrested for daring to protest and exercise their First Amendment rights? The Dixie Chicks received death threats and had their songs banned from radio for saying they were ashamed to be from the same state as President Bush? The rest of the world looked down upon America and our reputation fell to an all time low? We were afraid of our government? Treaties were violated and torture was approved? The Defense Department lied about Jessica Lynch's rescue and Pat Tillman's friendly fire death? The Hammer? Attorney Generals Alberto Gonzalez and John Ashcroft? Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfield? And hundreds of other examples of failure, incompetence and arrogance?
I don't want to go back to that dark hopeless place we stumbled around in for 8 years after only giving President Obama 24 months to repair the damage. I don't want to let right wing nuts take over our government again. No matter what our disagreements are with President Obama and the Congressional democrats, we can't allow the new and worse tea party republicans to get their foot in the door. I am not willing to allow the expedited destruction of our country to make a political point or to reprimand our party for slights, real or perceived.
I support our President and believe that he is doing the best he can for our country in very tough times. Even the if the worst accusations and insults hurled at him by disaffected members of DU are true, and I don't believe they are, his administration is nowhere near the level of corporately controlled evil that was exemplified by the Bush administration.
To paraphrase that post from November 3, 2004:
My name is Steven Joseph Vincent
and I am no longer afraid to speak my mind in my own country.
I served my country in the military for 5 years. I wore the uniform. I was willing to sacrifice my life for the ideals this country was founded on. I will not allow the bullies to retake power in this country or cave in to the partisan cowards who support them.
I no longer cry for my country because I have hope. Hope that things will change for my gay friends, the sick, the working class and the poor. Hope for my children's future.
I will not hide behind an alias. I will not be ashamed of my party affiliation or my political beliefs. I will not quietly stand by and allow my country to be diminished again by the same republican party that pillaged her before.
I AM NOT AFRAID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And neither should my 66,882,230 compatriots who proudly stood up and said, "Enough!"
This is our country and we should fight for her.
I will fight goddammit! (and so should you)