Is all about making democrats to depressed to get out and vote since the media says it's a "lost cause"! I read on MSNBC about a "tidal wave" for the republicans, yet the same poll they posted on their site only has republicans ahead by 2 points! I also read about all the independents who are going over to the republicans, according to the polls, yet I also see the morons in the tea party claiming to be "independents"! A lot of people on the right have decided to call themselves "independents" so just because a person in a poll says they are "independents" does not really mean they are!
If this country is really so stupid as to put those who got us into this mess back in office, then there is no hope for us! If republicans can convince the country they are not to blame, so give them another chance, it says a lot about just how stupid voters really are, and honestly I don't think they are as stupid as the republicans think they are! It's all hype by the right wing who "OWNS" the MSM! They know the only chance they have is to try their best to make democrats stay home and not vote by convincing them it's a lost cause. Hell we have right wing trolls on this board very single day pushing that tactic, and sadly we do have democrats here who buy into that BS.
I think the president will keep hitting the right, and putting out the facts. If those running for office use all the crap the republicans have been saying about taking us back to the Bush days, or calling those on unemployment lazy bums, or how helping the states keep teachers, firemen, and police working is just another "bailout" to special interest groups, people will actually wake up and get out an vote, not for the same assholes that got us into this mess, but for the "other" guy who while they may not like that democrats haven't done "MORE", they will realize that they have done "MORE" than the republicans would have done, or will do if they get control of congress!
As you said, we need a meaner, leaner bunch of democrats who will get the job done who will get the hint that the people are pissed, but put them back in to get their act together and start working harder for those who voted them into office. We need a tough bunch of democrats who won't back down, and who will get the job done. The president also has to get tougher and push those in congress harder to get the change the people need and want!
There is still plenty of time, and the main thing needs to be to rally the left and get them out to vote. I think the president can do this, and while we may lose some seats, we can keep a majority in both houses. If not, well look for two more years of "NOTHING" getting done while republicans do their bast to try and impeach the president and stall everything they can so the people who need help won't get it!