Anti-Dem Propaganda Watch #10 - "Polls Offer Grim Outlook for Democrats in November"
Here is more corporate media propaganda for those of you to make the case that President Obama should move either to the left or the right. Is it just a coincidence that all this "analysis" sounds so familiar. What ever happened to anti-plagiarism standards?
Deja Vu! The Corporate Media Is The Borg! You will be assimilated! Resistance is futile!
A series of polls released today paint a grim picture for Democrats in the upcoming midterm elections. Likely voters surveyed say they favor Republicans over Democrats, and they trust the GOP more to handle issues like the economy.
In a Washington Post/ABC News poll, 53 percent of likely voters said they would vote for the Republican candidate in their district if the midterm elections were today, while 40 percent would vote for the Democrat. (Worth noting: the two parties are nearly tied when it comes to the preferences of voters overall, not just likely voters.)
Among voters overall, independents -- a critical voting bloc -- say they would support Republican over Democratic candidates in their House districts by a 13-point margin.
And 55 percent of voters overall in the poll said it's more important to have Republicans lead Congress to serve as a check on President Obama's agenda than to have Democrats in control to support Mr. Obama's agenda. Just 39 percent said the opposite.