I don't know a lot about Pharmaceutical drug development. Heres a few things I do know...
1. A lot of people have been injured or killed by bad Pharmaceutical drugs
2. It takes years and years, and tons of money to bring new drugs on the market due to the strict FDA regulations, that still often fail to protect people
3. People who are terminally ill and have nothing to lose often have extreme difficulty or find it impossible to try experimental and potentially life saving drugs.
So I propose some changes to the system....since people are still injured or killed by bad drugs despite the strict FDA regulations....and since peeople suffering from chronic/ life threatening diseases have to wait years and years for research and development to happen, after reading about a potential drug breakthrough
Why not remove a lot of the regulations and liability the drug companies face which would form a more higher risk/ higher reward Pharmaceutical Drug Industry. It would cost much less and take much less time to bring new drugs on the market which would bring new hope to suffering/terminally ill people
and of course the downsides....
1. People would just have to understand the increased risk of trying new drugs, and consult carefully with their doctor and pharmacist to weigh the potentaial risk and rewards and decide if its worth it.
2. Their would be much less legal options to take if a person is injured or killed by a drug
I would favor a less regulated/ Higher risk and higher reward Pharmaceutical drug indursty. I'm sick and tired of reading about potential amazing drug developments only to read at the bottom of the article that it could take 5-10 years before trails to start on humans
I'm also sick and tired of reading about people with life threatenting diseases who are unable to get the opportunity to try experiemental drugs. This must change!!!!!!!