I agree re: pics of this. Our nation and the world needs to see and know that there are those who call themselves "patriots" and "christians", yet have no concept/understanding of the First Amendment, and that there is only hate from the hearts from those who claim to love all per the christian teachings they purport to follow.
Somewhere soon, along the way things are now headed, the hate, this naked racism, has to be seen for what it is...ugly, unproductive, vile, and more destructive to our nation, to forwarding democracy here at home and abroad, than can be foretold. Appealing to emotion is what drives politics. There has to be some of those who appear to support this outward act of hatred are ready to distance themselves should they be exposed for fostering this, and even more so, those who know it is wrong and just looking for an out as they don't really believe in hating, really do want to forward the all accepting love they have been taught through their basic belief systems, but are currently cowed by the isolation created by those they have chosen to follow.