Edited on Wed Sep-08-10 11:29 PM by Trajan
Trajan has been asking that question for years here ...
As much as I crave being a part of this party and their set of ideals, I see little of the courage required to be a political leader in most of our Democratic party leaders and 'philosophers' today ...
It seems the party ideals I admire most were espoused by some fella named Franklin Delano Roosevelt, along with guys named Truman and Kennedy ... And rarely ever since ...
Carter, god bless him, didn't have the controlled yet forceful manner that informed the people of what we stand for and how we achieve our goals. After Reagan took office, it seemed the Democratic party 'elite' got spooked by his horsey-riding cowboy populist act, even though he was actually quite superficial .... His dragoons cast the blows that knocked our ship off-course ... This is when the attacks on all things 'Liberal' began in earnest, and are still the Strawmen that have yet to be forcefully refuted ... The claims that Liberals were lazy and hated work ... Claims that still circulate because our leadership has failed to properly address them ...
Clinton ? ... I love the man, but he adopted the totems of the right wing out of fear, and as a smarmy political calculation .... So begins the era of weak assed Democratic party vacillation ... Ever since Reagan - Democratic party leaders have NOT espoused a grand vision that could capture the hearts and minds of newly minted voters ... They seem to have no voice to teach with, and no spine to fight with ... (fight as in rhetoric argument)
Obama, thankfully, has the guts and the charm, AND the oratorical skills to leap across and grab the 'undecideds' to whisper the 'sweet somethings' people need to hear before they vote ... Yet, even he fell kinda flat this summer, seeming to reel from the rhetorical broadsides of the ever-willing opposition ....
NO, Barack ..... DONT just drop out of this fight .... STAND THE FUCK UP .....
NOT only now, but ALWAYS ...
We need our party to evaluate what they stand for : Public Education ... Decent family wages that make an economy HUM for everyone ... Health care that eliminates the insurance middle men ...
( I keep asking my RW coworkers why we have insurance companies between us and our doctors .... none can say anything except mumble about 'shared risk' ... WTF ? .. They raise hell that the 'gubmint' interferes with their rights, but having some 3rd party call the shots and skim the cream ? ... no prob ... )
ONCE they decide WTF they stand for, then stand up and SAY IT .... STOP pussyfooting around with our children's future ...
TEACH it .... SHOUT it ....
Stand on the fucking rooftops and repeat it .... OVER and OVER ....
THAT stuff has to get pounded through, like Rush and his idiotic comments get pounded through ...
Like The Insane Hannity and O'Really get their message pounded through ...
It's tiring to have to fight these battles ourselves - It would be so helpful if our party elite would earn their fucking keep, and preach the gospel of populist contentment from their lofty perches of privilege ... Thanks Jon ... put the smack down on our guys for this ....
I believed in FDR, HST and JFK .... They had a powerful sense of purpose and knew how to communicate that purpose ...
The public don't just need a message .. They need a reason to believe ....