Obama Backs Rahm for Mayor
In an interview with ABC News, President Obama backed White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel in a possible run for Chicago mayor.
Said Obama:
"I think he would be an excellent mayor. He is an excellent chief of staff. The one thing I've always been impressed with about Rahm is that when he has a job to do, he focuses on the job in front of him. And so my expectation is, he'd make a decision after these midterm elections... I think he'd be a terrific mayor." http://politicalwire.com/archives/2010/09/09/obama_backs_rahm_for_mayor.html..................
LEAMY: -- which, as I understand it, was the brainchild of Harvard professor, Elizabeth Warren. And people in your own party are hoping that you will nominate her to head that agency.
OBAMA: Right.
LEAMY: On the one hand, big business is adamantly opposed.
So everybody wants to know, will you nominate Elizabeth Warren to head this agency that she thought of?
OBAMA: Well, fir -- first of all, it's important to note that I've known Elizabeth Warren for a long time because I was a student at Harvard when she was a professor there. During the campaign, I actually brought in Elizabeth Warren to help design proposals for consumer protection. She is, I think, a wonderful voice making a very simple point, which is, if you've got a set of rules and standards in place to make sure your toaster doesn't blow up in your face, you should have some rules and regulations to make sure your credit card or mortgage doesn't blow up in your face.
And so I have the highest regard for Elizabeth. We have not made a decision about who we're going to appoint yet, but here's my guarantee, is that
Elizabeth is going to be working with me, working with Tim Geithner, the Treasury secretary, to help in thinking about how do we make this consumer agency as effective as possible looking out for consumers. She is going to be actively involved in that process. more: